For six weeks I am in Borneo working for Dr. Kinari Webb's human and environmental health project, ASRI. I am staying in the village of Sukadana (western coast, north of Ketapang).

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I made it.

Yesterday, after 40 hours of travel, I arrived in the town of Ketapang. Etty, Bar and Daran met me and took me along on errands for the clinic. I was sweaty and tired and the two-hour drive into Sukadana was long and bumpy, but everything was fascinating. As exhausted as I was, I could not close my eyes for fear I would miss something. Children piled onto each other's bikes and playing on planks of wood above the mud leading to their houses' doors. Gaunt elderly men crouched on the roadsides. Young mothers swaddling their infants. Young men riding motorcycles with girl friends riding side-saddle. I wish I could have filmed my ride from Ketapang to Sukadana. I knew it would be different here but I had no idea how beautiful it would be.

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