For six weeks I am in Borneo working for Dr. Kinari Webb's human and environmental health project, ASRI. I am staying in the village of Sukadana (western coast, north of Ketapang).

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 3/ Hari tiga

Relaxed at home by myself through the heat of the day. With the fan on my face full blast, there was only one hour of profuse sweating. I studied some medicine–endemic tropical diseases, such as filariasis, malaria, dengue fever--and some Indonesian—Maaf, saya tidak mengerti (I’m sorry, I don’t understand). I met my new roommate, Anye, an Indonesian medical student from Jakarta, then I walked into town with L and B for chicken and rice at one of two small restaurants in the village. The town center is on a small river with a plethora of old, colorful wooden boats beached, marking the way towards market. We three very obvious Americans were greeted enthusiastically from doorsteps and motorcycles. The people here are absolutely lovely, amazingly friendly and warm. Tomorrow will be my first day at ASRI clinic. I am thrilled for this journey to finally begin.

Selamat tidur! (Goodnight)


  1. Hi Jessica - sounds like you are having quite an adventure and quite a learning experience. We are all very proud of you and what you are accomplishing. I will try to follow your blog daily and comment when I can. Keep up the good work, stay dry, and don't let those bed bugs bite!!Love, Aunt Judie

  2. Jess,
    Simply exciting and amazing for you! I think we all will learn so much too! Keep us posted!You are such a force not only in our lives, but impact others in the world! My prayers are with you. Enjoy! Love Aunt Barb.
